About Me

Steve and Jackie photo 2

 (my husband Steve and I)

I am a foodie! I know everyone these days calls themselves a foodie if they dabble in food in some capacity. But believe me or ask any of my wonderful family members or friends, I am a foodie.

I am always up for going out trying a new restaurant, love collecting cookbooks (especially old ones), I have a ridiculous amount of kitchen ware, I work in the food industry and lastly, I LOVE the grocery store- more to come on that.

After contemplating, talking about and reading lots of blogs, I have finally decided to take the “bite” (get it 😉 ) into the blogging world.

I introduce to you, The Revolving Table!

I want The Revolving Table to be a place where I share  recipes, food products, restaurants, or anything else related to food or kitchen ware. And, to keep it interesting, anything else that I am currently loving.

I would love to hear from you! Please comment, share a food item(s) or kitchen gadget that I should check out.

Check out @jackiegoranson on Instagram and twitter

or email me revolvingtable@gmail.com

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